Minggu, 01 Januari 2012


You flow in your tides
And rises to every prime
That through the ages guides
Oh come here in your chance
And bring each us through
Like tint leaves in trance
Each one for me and you

Time time the hour is still
With dreams to pass by
And every ones fulfill
Until they fade and fly
Oh rush not these senses
That makes us their joy
When hours flow and dances
As time they destroy

Time you always are new
Though old you sometime seems
When you are going though
In reality and dreams
And wander to the ways
That comes to each of us
Like night and waking days
That sometimes are in rush

Time –Time – Time - Time
Peter S. Quinn

Tak terasa sudah 2012. Dua tahun kemarin berjalan sangat cepat bagai kilat namun manis dan tak terlupakan. 2010, saya berhasil mendapat beasiswa IELSP, belajar bahasa Inggris di Tucson, US selama delapan minggu. 2011, saya pun berhasil menyelesaikan studi di Unhas.
Tahun ini, saya cuma menargetkan satu hal; bisa mendapat pekerjaan yang layak. Semoga ya, Rabb.


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